
Cesar Augusto Silva Giraldo Karen Guarín Paula Jiménez Yury Peña Lizeth Posada Fanny Bernarda Patiño Becerra


This article addresses the issue of inclusion, taking into account the positive points or a favor that it has. This article was generated from a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, in which some projects are discussed which were carried out and determined on inclusion, which in turn were limited or based on conceptual and theoretical references, which They will help observation and analysis of the positive points that inclusion has today; It will be for boys and girls of different ethnic groups and of different ages; With this, we seek the learning of the sea that is most contributing to the development of more just, democratic and solidarity societies.

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Inclusion, Learning, Solidarity, Ethnicity, Society

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How to Cite
Silva Giraldo, C. A., Guarín, K. ., Jiménez, P., Peña, Y. ., Posada, L., & Patiño Becerra, F. B. (2020). II. A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE ON "INCLUSION. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 1(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v1i1.3
Artículos Científicos