
María del Rosario García Suárez Martha Guadalupe Escoto Villaseñor



The transversal axes included in the study programs contain a philosophy of social commitment that allows promoting and improving the sustainable development of the planet through the integration of environmental management and social inclusion policies, by promoting student participation and a comprehensive training that encourages them to be socially responsible for the environment and aware of the environment.
Since its beginnings, mathematics has followed human development, great theories and laws have been proposed and published that determine the course of history and are necessary to understand, describe and predict the environment at a social and cultural level. In current times, mathematics is present, if we talk about the creation and development of such everyday technologies as cell phones, computers and software.
The basis of this didactic proposal is to present mathematics and the environment together, to promote awareness about the problems that affect nature and the environment caused by consumption and the waste that is generated. It is implemented in the Higher Secondary Level in the Analytical Geometry learning unit, equations and estimates of the impact of current consumption and the effects caused by each individual on the planet are integrated, the need to change from a consumerist culture to one that promotes responsible consumption is raised. and the need to take care of the environment.

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environment; math; analytic geometry; education.


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How to Cite
García Suárez, M. del R., & Escoto Villaseñor, M. G. (2023). II.ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN MATHEMATICS AS A TRANSVERSAL AXIS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 11(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v11i1.494
Artículos Científicos