
Dra. Guadalupe del Carmen Meléndez Pérez


The present work analyzes the importance of universal literature in students of
first grade of primary school at the Estado de Hidalgo school in CDMX, as part of the
process of teaching reading, during the health protection by COVID-19 lived on
2020-2021 school year, which was carried out virtually in its entirety and required
the collaboration of mothers and fathers, favoring significantly the
dialogical learning of girls and boys, this was done through the implementation of the
Successful Educational Performances specifically of the so-called Literary Gathering
Dialogic, which allowed the development of impact educational processes among them, the capacity
of argumentation, development of universal values such as solidarity, respect, empathy
among others, adding a high level in relation to fluency and reading comprehension according to
to the National Reading Plan, in addition to the acquisition of the natural habit of daily reading.
To start the process we work with the title of Jules Verne called 20,000 Leagues
of Submarine Trip on a weekly basis, the little ones and their families were getting involved little
little by little in the activity, the experience motivated each one of the members of the family the
who actively participated in the virtual sessions, mentioning the findings that
together they were discovering, as well as their astonishment at this type of texts which in their
most of them were unaware because they had never had any kind of approach with
these titles thus becoming a family experience.

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Dialogic Learning, Successful Educational Actions, Gatherings Dialogic Literary, Educational Impact Processes, Family Experience.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Meléndez Pérez, D. G. del C. (2023). XXXVIII. THE CLASSIC LITERATURE IN TIMES FROM COVID-19. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 14. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.464
Artículos Científicos