
Karelis Alvarez Sarmiento Gloria Vera de Orozco Karelis Páez Villalva Plinio Orozco Vera


This research work focuses on the ethnography of the classroom. The objective
The main objective was to identify the difficulties in the production of texts of the students of
basic education, tenth grade, in an institution of the official sector of the Colombian Caribbean.
The results that are exposed come from the design and application of a diagnostic test
to a population of 180 students, from which a random sample of 10% was taken; the
students made writing production from a topic of controversial social interest.
For the above, it became necessary to take as theoretical foundations the concepts of
writing by Cassany (2008), Pérez (1998), Teberosky (2007), Echeverría (2003), Flavell
(1985/1993), Russell (1990), cited in Carlino (2013), Nuñez (2016) by Jiménez and
Dominguez (2000); cited by Salgado (2007), The analysis of the results was carried out through
of the grid that is presented in the Curricular Guidelines of the Spanish language (1998), which
which emphasizes three basic levels: Intratextual, Intertextual and Extratextual. In
In line with the above, students show difficulties in organizing
sentences (local and global coherence), the connection between them (cohesion); equally
form, do not take into account the proper use of connectors, spelling, lexical variety and
omission of punctuation marks. Researchers propose an alternative
pedagogy for the improvement of the problem and the quality of learning.

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Writing, Research, Ethnography in the classroom, Proposal pedagogical.

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Recuperado el 17 de octubre del 2007 de:
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comunicarse en contexto científico y académicos, conocimientos y estrategias.
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How to Cite
Alvarez Sarmiento, K., Vera de Orozco, G., Páez Villalva, K., & Orozco Vera, P. (2023). XXXVI. WRITING IN THE CLASSROOM: ANALYSIS AND PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 26. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.462
Artículos Científicos