
Natalia Andrea Londoño Gil Luis Miguel Cardona Mejía Leidy Johanna Yemail Arroyo


Critical reading has become an important element in current education,
hence, it seeks to create and implement strategies that encourage the construction of
critical thinking through their practices. This fact leads schools to
trace new scenarios in reading and writing practices in the classroom. In this work
presents "the drawn story" as a reading strategy and a dynamic tool
in the processes of reading comprehension in 3rd grade students of the Educational Institution
Campo Valdés in the city of Medellín. Taking as a research approach an analysis
qualitative interpretive based on the design and implementation of didactic sequences whose
The main purpose arose from an initial test in which the shortcomings could be verified
in the field of critical reading comprehension. The development of research is not only
framed in generating interpretations in relation to reading levels but in the
establishment of positions and reflections that transcend critical thinking,
evidencing favorable results in a test after the application of the sequences
didactics, it is clear that these are an alternative that allows teachers to organize their
teaching practices with the aim that understanding and critical thinking are
gear that results from participation, analysis of situations, texts and

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Critical reading, Critical thinking, Reading levels, Sequences Didactics, Reading Strategies.

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How to Cite
Londoño Gil, N. A., Cardona Mejía, L. M., & Yemail Arroyo, L. J. (2023). XIV. THE TALE DRAWN AS READING STRATEGY. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 13. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.440
Artículos Científicos