
María Angélica Cervantes Muñoz


The present work presents the proposal in the curricular design of the program
Business Administration virtual modality of the National Open University and
Distance from Colombia, which under a qualitative approach shows how it was developed
under the problem core formulation methodology applied in four (4) stages:
identification of problems, formulation of the problem nuclei and integrative nucleus of
problem, approach to epistemological foundations and design of the curriculum of the
program and course networks, in which 26 students, 128 teachers, 17
graduates and 13 businessmen attached to the School of Administrative Sciences, Accounting,
Economic and Business.
A study plan composed of 151 credits is proposed, of which 117 are
mandatory and 34 are elective, establishing in this last component a management network
of innovation and entrepreneurship made up of six (6) courses that students can take
students as elective courses in their curriculum.
It is recommended that in the design of the syllabus teachers from different
areas of knowledge in order to develop transversal and transdisciplinary skills
that train individuals capable of understanding global challenges and generate developments
sustainable, since the pedagogical practice starts from a single perspective and given the changes
dizzying challenges currently facing the world, an education is required that forms
integrally, that breaks paradigms and that transforms.

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Entrepreneurship, Training, Transdisciplinary, Design Curriculum, Study Plan.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Cervantes Muñoz, M. A. (2023). XI. TRAINING CURRICULUM DESIGN IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP: CASE NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY AND A DISTANCE FROM COLOMBIA. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 18. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.436
Artículos Científicos