This article presents a Master's research process that has as its
objective to identify the impact of the implementation of a virtual learning environment
focused on Project Based Learning to strengthen problem solving skills
problems of critical thinking of the students of the double degree program of the
Santo Domingo Savio de Güepsa School, Santander-Colombia.
The study is developed from a mixed methods approach where
qualitative and quantitative instruments for data collection. It shows the
construction process of the pretest/posttest instrument from the Questionnaire of
Individual Generic Competences of Olivares & Wong (2013) to determine the
characteristics of the problem-solving ability of critical thinking due to
There is currently no instrument available to measure this type of
skill specifically. The main results in relation to the instrument
pretest/posttest constructed and subjected to validation by expert judgment, indicate that the
problem solving skills associated with critical thinking are linked to
four (4) categories: Interpretation and analysis of information, judgment of a situation
specific with objective and subjective data, inference of the consequences of the decision
based on self-regulated judgment and problem solving. To date the process of
The research is in the implementation and data analysis phase.
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