
Jorge Alberto Vidal Urrutia Illiriam Quintero Dávila Guadalupe Fernández López David Rabadán Martínez Mabel Domínguez Carrera



This dissertation analyzes the period known as the post-Mexican revolution. Education is one of the great national themes and a reference in terms of the construction of modern national and citizen consciousness; The current Mexican educational system is the product of the first social revolution of the 20th century. At that time, intellectual representatives of the time such as Manuel Gamio, who wrote his ideas in the essay titled Forging a Homeland, rejected the evolutionary thesis of the revolutionary liberals, who thought that The process of miscegenation would socially, economically and politically integrate the indigenous, while refuting the assumption that the latter was the ultimate cause of national backwardness. According to Gamio, for the cultural evolution of a people to be normal, it is essential that all the elements that constitute the population are educated at the same time, and this can only be achieved by implementing comprehensive education, the builder of a new citizen order, another thinker. Equally important for the topic is Samuel Ramos, who analyzes the being of the Mexican, his conflicts and essential problems, making one of the first psychosocial diagnoses of the Mexican identity, analyzing the peculiar characteristics of the social strata in Mexico and the abandonment of culture. In the nascent nation, these two contributions are vital to understanding the future of contemporary citizen formation from and for education.

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post-revolution; national education; citizenship; culture; state.

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How to Cite
Vidal Urrutia, J. A., Quintero Dávila , I., Fernández López, G., Rabadán Martínez , D., & Domínguez Carrera, M. (2023). VII. NATIONALISM AND EDUCATION, CITIZENSHIP THROUGH IDENTITY AND CULTURE IN THE WORKS OF MANUEL GAMIO AND SAMUEL RAMOS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 10(1), 17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v10i1.501
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