
Yessica García Hernández - Jesús Alberto García Rojas - María de Lourdes Amador Martínez - Ana Isabel Ramírez Sabino - Aline Aurora De Lucio Islas


In recent years, entrepreneurship has become a fundamental issue in the areas of academia,
research, and public policies, due to the impact it has on the economy, likewise, it has sought
to reduce the gender gap and promote it from equitable way for men and women. The present
work aims to: analyze the entrepreneurial intention of students of higher technological
education, through the Theory of Planned Behavior, to identify equality in the intention of
entrepreneurship with respect to gender. The GUESSS questionnaire (Global University
Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey) was applied to 1,003 students. The study is
empirical, with a quantitative approach, with a descriptive and explanatory scope. The
statistical method was applied using the t-student test, which allows accepting the hypothesis
that there is no significant difference in the intention of entrepreneurship between men and
women. Regarding the dimensions, the results are presented in the following order:
entrepreneurial initiative, personal attitude towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms, and
control of perceived behavior, which are higher in the male gender than in the female gender,
although this difference is not significant. Regarding the choice of career, women and men
decide the choice of career at the beginning, end and five years later with the intention of
being founders of their own company, this percentage is higher in the male gender.

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gender, entrepreneurship intention, technological higher education, theory of planned behavior

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How to Cite
García Hernández -, Y., García Rojas -, J. A., Amador Martínez -, M. de L., Ramírez Sabino -, A. I., & De Lucio Islas, A. A. (2020). CLI. GENDER AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP INTENT IN HIGHER TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION STUDENTS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.318
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