
Maritza Sánchez - Oswaldo Guerrero - Henry Ortiz - Myrian Hidalgo - Lenin Urbina


University teachers are subject to constantly changing and evolving working conditions, one
of them being the quality of working life, synonymous with personal well-being as one of
the important areas for workers, derived from the satisfaction or dissatisfaction generated by
their work activities. Objective: it was carried out with the objective of knowing the level of
satisfaction of university professors and establishing recommendations for its improvement.
Methodology: This study was carried out with a descriptive, non-experimental crosssectional quantitative approach, which allowed us to measure the quality of working life of
the academic staff of an Institution of Higher Education of Ecuador. Results: Of a total of
225 teachers to whom the CVT-GOHISALO survey was applied, low levels of job
satisfaction were found in all the factors studied, the most concerning being: personal
development achieved at work and administration free time with 68% and 6% dissatisfaction
respectively Conclusions: Teacher job satisfaction is essential for the efficient and effective
development of academic and personal activities, it is important that institutions can generate
strategies to make visible and improve existing working conditions that: they will
proportionally improve teacher satisfaction and the development of the teaching-learning

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teachers, job satisfaction, working conditions

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How to Cite
Sánchez -, M., Guerrero -, O., Ortiz -, H., Hidalgo -, M., & Urbina, L. (2020). LXXVIII. JOB SATISFACTION: A CHALLENGE FOR ECUADOR’S UNIVERSITY TEACHERS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.242
Artículos Científico