
Andrés Mauricio Cortés Gallego - Claudia Patricia Rivera Sánchez - Lizeth Ramos Acosta


This methodological guide is the final product of a degree project, which sought to
demonstrate that the stimulation of cognitive processes in kindergarteners can contribute to
the development of linguistic skills in a foreign language. That said, the researchers propose
the stimulation of working memory as a necessary cognitive component in the development
and understanding of language, so that, through correct stimulation and constant directed
training, it is possible to develop the ability to listen in a certain time. The implementation
was carried out with 22 kindergarteners of a public institution, for this, a methodological
guide was designed where the activities are aimed at stimulating working memory, and
through this promote the development of the ability to listen in children; The guide maintains
the guidelines proposed by the Ministry of National Education in the suggested curriculum
for kindergarten. The results obtained are relevant since, having little time for
implementation, the students showed great progress in the auditory recognition of vocabulary
seen in class, in addition to showing a notable improvement in their working memory.

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working memory, listening skill, kindergarten.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Cortés Gallego -, A. M., Rivera Sánchez -, C. P., & Ramos Acosta, L. (2020). LXX. METHODOLOGICAL GUIDE BASED ON STIMULATION OF WORKING MEMORY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LISTENING IN KINDERGARTENS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.234
Artículos Científico