
Leidy Lorena Potes González - Claudia Patricia Rivera Sánchez - Lizeth Ramos Acosta


This research work analyzes how the stimulation of cognitive processes affects the learning
of a foreign language. For that purpose, the researchers propose the stimulation of working
memory as a necessary cognitive component in the development and understanding of
language. Which was carried out under an action research methodological design, with a
qualitative approach and a descriptive scope. The implementation was carried out with 22
children of the transition grade of a public institution, for this, a methodological guide was
designed where the activities are aimed at stimulating working memory, and through this in
turn promote the development of listening skills in children; The guide maintains the
guidelines proposed by the Ministry of National Education in the suggested curriculum for
transition. The results obtained are relevant since, having little time for implementation, the
students showed great advances in the auditory recognition of vocabulary seen in class, in
addition to showing a notable improvement in their working memory.
Finally, in answer form to the research question posed at the beginning of this, it is concluded
that the implementation of the methodological guide based on the stimulation of working
memory has a positive impact on the development of listening skills in kindergarten students.

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Working memory, listening skills, transition

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How to Cite
Potes González -, L. L., Rivera Sánchez -, C. P., & Ramos Acosta, L. (2020). LXIX. STIMULATION OF WORKING MEMORY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LISTENING IN KINDERGARTENS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.233
Artículos Científico