
David Rabadan Martínez Jorge Alberto Vidal Urrutia María del Pilar Quiroz Carcaño


This dissertation analyzes the epistemological and axiological foundations of the New
Mexican School, basically the principles and guidelines for civic and ethical training as an
educational factor that encourages the construction of critical and ethical thinking in children,
adolescents, and young people; The principles of the New Mexican School integrate eight
essential criteria in the formation of every individual who, in addition to joining a productive
life, is inserted in their total relationships. The current Mexican educational system demands
a set of transversal skills for a new historical moment lacking in values or à la carte values,
rethinking them is important in democratic consolidation, the heritage of revolutionary
nationalism and cultural nationalism strengthened the bases of a harmonious and
participatory coexistence in the construction of an inclusive space. However, in the period
neoliberalism and its reforms led to an atomization of society and basic ideas of coexistence
such as in school, the neighborhood and society in general, which in urban spaces became
even more established with violence and crime, the abandonment of culture of peace and
coexistence during the last decades had a negative impact on the social fabric, therefore, the
new Mexican school is a unique opportunity to return to the bases and principles of citizen
education and training.

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New Mexican school 1, Education 2, values 3, society 4, civility 5

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How to Cite
Rabadan Martínez, D., Vidal Urrutia, J. A., & Quiroz Carcaño, M. del P. (2023). V. LA NUEVA ESCUELA MEXICANA, EL RETORNO A LOS PRINCIPIOS DEL CIVISMO DE LA EDUCACIÓN MEXICANA, SU IMPACTO EN LA SOCIEDAD. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v12i1.531
Artículos Científicos