
Marco Alberto Mendoza Pérez José Alberto Morales Cadena


The recognition of geometric figures through pattern recognition is proposed for 3rd
grade students to identify and review geometric figures for the stimulation of mental
processes that the brain develops to process information, with the aim of creating an
application with help of Artificial Intelligence that through pattern recognition identifies each
geometric figure indicated by the same application, which in turn is didactic, attractive for
the interaction and learning of the 3rd grade student. Without leaving aside, the pedagogical
methodology Local Theoretical Models (MTL) and the rapid application development life
cycle model (RAD) that will help us to study for the recognition of geometric figures, this in
order to understand the process that it entails the recognition of patterns and allows us to
efficiently guide the effectiveness of the process; This will benefit the 3rd grade students who
want to interact with the application, but in turn to identify geometric figures inside and
outside the classroom with the help of Artificial Intelligence and AR. In conclusion, with the
development of the app, the cognitive capacity of 3rd grade students when interacting with
new information technologies improves confidence, flexibility, personalization and

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Cognitive Development, Geometric Figure, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Pattern Recognition

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How to Cite
Mendoza Pérez, M. A., & Morales Cadena, J. A. (2023). III. PROPUESTA DE UN VIDEOJUEGO CON RECONOCIMIENTO DE FIGURAS GEOMÉTRICAS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v12i1.529
Artículos Científicos