
Lic. Psic. Mariana Luján Álvarez Leites Lic. Psic. Valeria Rocha Pereyra


In the last decades, the advances of the scientific community around the
classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder position it as a disorder of
neurodevelopment which is observed from the beginning of life.
This implies a paradigm shift due to the possibility of detection and
early diagnoses. Early childhood intervention enables the development of
neuroplasticity, as well as determines a better evolution and long-term prognosis. The
Late diagnoses did not allow intervening in the acquisition of skills, but from
their deficit.
It is necessary to point out the substantial progress that Information Technologies give rise to.
Information and Communication regarding work on disabilities, providing new
communication modalities and forms of autonomy, being essential then
work from the confluence of: early detection and technological interventions.
The responsible, systematic and progressive use of ICTs generates advances around
memory, visual perception, perceptual-motor coordination, joint, sustained attention
and selective, imitation, reinforcement of the abilities associated with the acquisition of the
written language, comprehension and learning basic skills, as well as decoding
of emotions.
Our mission is to create a specific, personalized and effective work plan, based
in motivation, through technological tools to achieve neurocognitive advances and
social. At the same time, the family core will be empowered by getting new modes
bonding with the person with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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Technology, Autism, ICTs, Neurocognition, Learning, Early detection, Dopamine.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Álvarez Leites, L. P. M. L., & Rocha Pereyra, L. P. V. (2023). LIV. USE OF ICT IN PEOPLE WITH ASD HOW TO PROMOTE LEARNING SIGNIFICANT? A LOOK NEUROCOGNITIVE. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 13. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.480
Artículos Científicos