
Alfonso Luna Martínez


This paper gives an account of the conceptual theoretical reference of the research:
"Recommendations for the training of teachers in basic education, in the face of the Revolution
Technological" within the framework of the Postdoctoral Program in Governance and Public Policies AEFCM,
OEI, University of Alcalá, Madrid. In the same I investigate and rescue the device (with
centrality in knowledge) that basic education teachers in Mexico displayed
in the face of educational emergencies derived from the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic;
as well as the broader context represented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The
research as a whole is of a hermeneutic-analogical nature and of New Realism
(construction developed from the postulates of Beuchot, Foucault, Deleuze, Gadamer,
Ferraris, Jerez and Agamben), its results will be presented in subsequent
Communications as suggestions for public training policies for adequate teachers
to the referred context.

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Teacher training, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Device Formative, Technological Revolution, Analog Hermeneutics, New Realism.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Luna Martínez, A. (2023). LI. CHALLENGES OF TEACHER TRAINING DURING THE REVOLUTION TECHNOLOGICAL (CRI). Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 14. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.477
Artículos Científicos