
Hector Mario Arroyave Correa


Concise description, the reason and objective of the manuscript, the most
Highlights and main conclusions. It must be written impersonally: "the
present work analyzes
The purpose of this project is to establish the elements that can contribute to the
exercise of photography its use as a therapeutic tool, for the recognition of the
emotional experiences in university students, left by the situations
after confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Exploring the social effect
of the image in workshops and participatory exercises, readings and interpretations of
images of the attendees' own emotions. Phototherapy develops spaces that
allow us to learn to represent, in images, what was minimized in welfare states
emotion of university students, due to the impact of preventive confinement
in times of pandemic. It should be said that photography is used in the field of work
social, psychology, in areas of activism, among others, where he has enough experience
as to contribute to the conceptualization of a new term in the field of photography,
such as Phototherapy, using therapeutic tools with artistic elements
present in the photograph, which explore the therapeutic when the person has contact with it
itself through the creation of images in workshop spaces, which promote stability
emotion of people and consciousness in collectives. Normally people give
account of things that they never imagined, through an image; with this knowledge
based on how the image behaves and the emotional well-being it generates in the
university students, the following question arises: How can photography be approached as a
Therapeutic Tool that allows mitigating the impact generated on emotional well-being
of the academic community due to the situations after the confinement of Covid-19?

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Photography, phototherapy, art education, semiotic analysis, Welfare.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Arroyave Correa, H. M. (2023). XXVII. PHOTOTHERAPY AS WELL-BEING TOOL AFTER OF THE CONFINEMENT BY COVID‐19 IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, CASE UNINPAHU. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 16. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.463
Artículos Científicos