Educational institutions need to extend their academic services to the
student population and graduates, as an entity responsible for training,
updating and transfer of knowledge and experiences that provide skills to their
human resource in preparation with the intention of being competitive in the current environment. This
This work aims to analyze the interest of undergraduate students of the Tecnológico de
Estudios Superiores de Coacalco to receive continuous education in their training process
professional. It also plans to identify the areas of knowledge in which they are seen
vulnerable to the work environment they face after the health crisis caused by COVID19. The empirical approach is based on a survey carried out ad hoc with a sample of 1665
students. As main results it was observed that the interest of a continuous education
is relevant and with greater attraction in students who are working
simultaneously in their studies. Therefore, his main concern is directed
for additional training in reading and writing skills and comprehension of English and
entrepreneurship, in addition to the skills in technical issues of his professional career. HE
concludes that the vision for continuous training becomes a prevailing need
in undergraduate students who begin to visualize the challenges they will face
in the current work environment and the same institution has an area of opportunity for
assist in their competitive development.
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