
Jorge Luis Palés Argullos Olga Francisca Salazar Blanco


Justification: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are reinforced in the experiences of
learning in which the student's basic psychological needs are met. The
practices of clinical undergraduate medicine courses motivate students because
allow the integration and application of knowledge and help patients in resolving
problems as they will when they are doctors; however, teachers in different
contexts, they perceive little motivation of the students in said activities.
Objective: to understand, from the voice of the students, the meanings of the
motivation in the learning experiences of the clinical courses of an undergraduate
Methodology: qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and
observation of training practices. Analysis under the constructivist perspective of Theory
Grounded and the interpretive framework of Symbolic Interactionism. after coding
open and through the constant comparison of the data, categories were built
Results: three categories related to didactic encounters emerged.
motivators: 1. The participants: teachers, students and patients, 2. The environment of
learning, which involves the settings, the relationships with the curriculum and between the
participants 3. The didactic elements, which include the strategies, the contents and the
Conclusions: the motivation of medical students in clinical courses is
strengthened with empathic and participatory didactic interactions, in an environment of
trustworthy learning that promotes self-efficacy, collaborative learning and

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Motivation, Teaching, Learning, Medical students, Learning environment, Medical education.

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How to Cite
Palés Argullos, J. L., & Salazar Blanco, O. F. (2023). XXXIV. LEARNING MEETINGS MOTIVATORS. MEANINGS FOR MEDICINE STUDENTS MOTIVATING LEARNING ENCOUNTERS. MEANINGS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 28. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.460
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