
Jesús Manuel Mendoza Maldonado Griselda González Arriaga Estrella Jatziri Mauricio Rodríguez


Justification: Until 1996, initial teacher training in Mexico had as its
common denominator a general training based on the contributions of pedagogy, which
some authors (Bosch and Gascón, 2007) have called it “pedagogical generalism”. From
1997 the successive training programs included the didactics of mathematics
as a fundamental reference in the training of primary education teachers,
specifically the concepts that derive from the Theory of Didactic Situations. As
do trainee teachers build didactic knowledge? How do they process concepts?
What are you working on during your training? Objective: Evidence of learning of the students is analyzed.
second grade students, but the purpose of the research is to identify the
constructive process of the didactic knowledge of teachers in training. Methodology: It is
of a didactic investigation. 5 mathematical problems were raised, the
informal strategies used by second graders when faced with problems whose strategy
solutions are unknown, as well as the answers obtained from the interview with children and a
teacher, highlights from the latter what for her is a good student. results and
Conclusions: Distribution and grouping problems were worked on with second-year students.
grade, although the division proper is taught up to the third grade, the
informal strategies of children and the interpretations of a teacher in training, it is
that is, the constructive process of didactic knowledge.

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Distribution problems, Grouping problems, Strategies informal, Syntactic and semantic error.

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How to Cite
Mendoza Maldonado, J. M., González Arriaga, G., & Mauricio Rodríguez, E. J. (2023). XXXIII. THE CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE DIDACTIC IN DISTRIBUTION PROBLEMS AND GROUPING IN 2nd DEGREE OF PRIMARY. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 53. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.459
Artículos Científicos