
Daniel Mocencahua Mora Caroleny Eloiza Villalba Hernández


A simulator must be understood as an interactive tool elaborated in a
certain programming language, which allows training and training apprentices in
an environment very similar to the real one. From this educational context, a review was carried out
systematic review of the literature in order to know some studies on the use of
simulators in higher education, a heuristic phase consisting of two
search and selection stages of the articles, the searches were made in databases
from scientific publications such as Scopus and Web of Science, as well as Google Scholar and
Microsoft Academic. Establishing the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 39
published articles that met the study requirements, which
allowed to answer the central research questions associated with: approaches
pedagogical and main methodologies adopted in the literature in relation to the
implementation of simulators in higher education. From review and analysis
Three thematic areas (AT) emerged, which allowed the approach of this work. AT1: The
simulation as a learning tool in higher education (41%), AT2: Effect of
learning mediated by technologies in educational environments (38.46%), AT3: Strategies
technological and pedagogical from educational innovation (20.51%). The review throws
contributions to the educational community that complement their practice in the use of simulators
as an interactive medium in teaching and learning.

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Educational technology, Software, Technological resources, Learning, Higher education, Simulators.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Mocencahua Mora, D., & Villalba Hernández, C. E. (2023). XXXII. INFLUENCE OF SIMULATORS ON HIGHER EDUCATION: A REVIEW SYSTEMATIC. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 25. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.458
Artículos Científicos