
Manuel Fernando González Cuevasy John Mauricio Sandoval Granados


The tensions between the various theoretical fields that make up the areas that are
integrated into the educational process feed various epistemic positions that in the
contemporaneity has begun to elucidate the teacher as an intellectual of education, of
Initially, views are built on the theory in a transdisciplinary way, positions that
diverge from constructions that go beyond the traditional endogenous reflections of each
discipline, these intend to present categories of analysis on the issues that raise the
perspective of an integrative educational process in the Colombian context.
In this scenario, the critical bet of this inquiry emerges, which aims to raise
a reflection that finds communicating vessels between the various thematic areas that
make up a study plan, to do so it appeals to the interdisciplinary conception of
education, which allows the existence of phenomena that exceed the theoretical frameworks
of the same thematic area to build epistemological and methodical bridges integrating
inputs that enter into the understanding of various phenomena, realities and scenarios
academics that cement a path that contributes to elucidating and even resolving the
more complex questions stated in the various subjects that make up the
Colombian curriculum.
In this way, this proposal to undiscipline the school feeds on the thought
complex, by virtue of the fact that it breaks down the walls built by traditional schools to
strengthen the contributions that from various fields of study allow us to understand the
magnitude of a phenomenon of analysis fed by multiple theoretical fields and

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Complex thought, School, Teaching of social sciences, Curriculum.

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How to Cite
González Cuevasy, M. F., & Sandoval Granados, J. M. (2023). XXXI. DISCIPLINING THE SCHOOL: CONTRIBUTIONS FROM COMPLEX THOUGHT TO TEACHING OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 10. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.457
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