
Alma Delia Otero Escobar Joselin García Guzmán


This paper is a partial report of results, product of the first phase
development of the doctoral thesis "Socioemotional Skills in Teachers
University students", which is carried out within the Doctorate in Innovation in Education
Superior, taught by the Universidad Veracruzana. The content of the presentation exposes the
first findings on which the research is focused, the theories that support the
importance of the thesis and what has been written in recent years around the research topic.
Likewise, the theoretical and methodological aspects that guide the research are described.
developed. The methodology used has been mixed, with the aim of analyzing
the socio-emotional skills of the teachers of the Universidad Veracruzana, campus
Xalapa, with a descriptive and cross-sectional design. Stratified sampling was used.
Teachers from six academic areas participate: arts, economic-administrative, technical,
humanities, health sciences and agricultural biology. A questionnaire was designed to
data collection that was organized into three dimensions of analysis: 1) Intrapersonal, 2)
Interpersonal and 3) Transpersonal. The results of this phase emphasize the importance that
has the socio-emotional work with teachers, since this directly impacts the
students, it is considered that it is increasingly essential to offer a space for the
development of these skills. In order to understand the concept of skills
socio-emotional, the framework of emotional intelligence must be contextualized, it is one of the
most important references.

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