
Ana Cristina Bados Rodríguez


In the educational field, reading is a dynamic and permanent process that allows
students to learn in the different areas of knowledge, therefore, it is important,
design didactic strategies to improve the comprehension of texts, making the school
in a space of connection between the child and the readings, his social life and the world that surrounds him.
The general objective of the research process is to strengthen the comprehension of texts through
through didactic strategies that help third and fifth grade students of
elementary school of the Alto Don Diego multigrade school, located in the municipality of
Taminango, Narino. Having as epistemological foundation, the qualitative paradigm
which is defined as the study of social and human phenomena, this paradigm is the
that best suits the needs of the research problem, because it will allow
observe human behavior, in such a way that an interpretation is achieved
intersubjective about the observed facts and later carry out the analysis, in addition
the investigator can establish the pertinent methods for conducting the study; by
On the other hand, the socio-critical approach adjusts to the needs of the research problem,
since it will be possible to make a change based on the needs observed in the community
education, in which the participants may be active members in the process of
transformation, obtaining as a result an improvement and a social change.

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Comprehension, Texts, Didactic strategies, Basic primary

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Bados Rodríguez, A. C. (2023). XXI. TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVE THE UNDERSTANDING OF TEXTS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 12. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.447
Artículos Científicos