
Jocelyn Andrea Leiva Mondaca Andrea Pilar Brondi Marino Alicia Natividad Mancilla Rubio Natalia Alejandra Sánchez León


Within the framework of prevention, in order to generate sustainable strategies that
contribute to safeguard the psychological well-being of teachers, it is necessary
identify those stressors that are seen as permanent elements in the
demands related to academic work, and from this, determine which strategies of
coping are successful when facing adaptation processes
involved in the return to face-to-face.
The objective of this research is to analyze the coping strategies used
by the teachers of the Bernardo O'Higgins University, to address the return to classes
face-to-face in order to generate systematic and collegiate instances as a support network and
peer learning.
The approach is quantitative with a descriptive scope regarding the phenomenon analyzed. The
The selected sample is made up of 217 teachers to whom the questionnaire was applied.
COPE-28 of coping and a survey on administrative, academic and
external. According to the results obtained, the lack of time is identified as
main stressor and the active coping strategy as the most used. As
conclusion the teachers seek solutions to the problems that affect them in a
individual, however, they lack instances of collective accompaniment that allow them to
manage external and/or internal demands that minimize certain situations
stressors present in the context of tertiary education

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Coping strategies, Mental health, Stress factors, University teacher.

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How to Cite
Leiva Mondaca, J. A., Brondi Marino, A. P., Mancilla Rubio, A. N., & Sánchez León, N. A. (2023). XX. COPING STRATEGIES AND POST-PANDEMIC MENTAL HEALTH OF AND THE TEACHERS OF THE UNIVERSITY BERNARDO O’HIGGINS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 18. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.446
Artículos Científicos