
Ana Lilia García Contreras


This research is focused on the institutional management that shelters the
National Reading Rooms Program (PNSL), which is a 26-year-old program
of life and had represented the most important program for the development and promotion of
reading attached to the Mexican cultural sector. This work has been carried out to study the
impact and challenges that the same program faces in the face of public cultural policies,
with the intention of analyzing the different implications of the actions undertaken
by the current Mexican government after having established a synergy between different
government institutional actors, which gave rise to the extinction of trusts that
They ensured the life of the promotion and encouragement of reading in non-school spaces. TO
Through documentary research and data collection through interviews, a
a work from a qualitative perspective which is not focused on statistics but on
insights and meanings. The results obtained include a vision of the factors
involved in the institutional management of the PNSL, establishing the advantages and disadvantages
having instructed new institutional actors (Fondo de Cultura Económica) to
promotion and encouragement of reading, and the implications that this has in education as a
component of cultural policy for democratization in the lives of citizens

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Reading, Promotion, Development, Reading Rooms, Culture.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
García Contreras, A. L. (2023). XVIII. THE NATIONAL PROGRAM ROOMS READING AND ITS MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES INSTITUTIONAL BEFORE POLITICS MEXICAN CULTURE. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 14. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.444
Artículos Científicos