
Alba González-Palomares Inma Canales-Lacruz


The objective of this communication was to analyze the negotiation process
reflected in the group reports regarding the group work for projects in
the subject of Body Education through movement. The sample consisted of
83 students - 79 women and 4 men - of the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education of the
Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca – Spain –. The data collection is
carried out through a group report that was completed on collective bargaining
triggered in project work. Subsequently, the content analysis was carried out
of said group reports using the QSR-NVIVO 12 program for the treatment of
the data. The main results were: a) the democratic-assembly format has
facilitated collective participation in decision-making. This participation allowed the
diversity of ideas and collective learning. b) the positive environment facilitates the cohesion of the
group, listening being their main motive. c) group involvement favors
collective commitment. This type of research based on the development of negotiation
collective through project-based learning are necessary to improve the
social skills in university students. Collective participation, listening and
group involvement facilitate optimal collective bargaining processes so that all
Members feel included in group work.

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Body education, Project-based learning, Skills social, Collective bargaining, University context.

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How to Cite
González-Palomares, A., & Canales-Lacruz, I. (2023). XVII. THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS COLLECTIVE THROUGH LEARNING BASED ON PROJECTS IN THE TEACHER TRAINING CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 16. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.443
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