Facing the challenges of university education in the face of determined conditions
by the COVID-19 pandemic, makes more evident the need for students to show
their digital skills to fulfill their school responsibilities in the modality that
They have been forced to work. The importance of these is not only decisive in the
distance or online modality but also in the face-to-face modality and even in life
The present investigation had as objective to know the level of competences
of the university students of the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla
(BUAP) based on the DigComp model of the European Commission, which establishes 5
dimensions to assess your skills; the applied methodology is quantitative and
exploratory cross-sectional design.
As part of the results obtained we can mention that the students
They actually have digital weaknesses, among which are: their participation
active in class to carry out a good communication in the virtual classroom (dimension of
communication), the non-registration of digital content production (dimension of creation of
content). In addition to this, the data shows us that the majority of students do not review
the privacy policies of the digital spaces they use (security dimension of
devices); seek to reduce these weaknesses, updating through training
that contribute to their learning in digital technology issues
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Competences, Digital competences, Generic competences, BUAP university students, DigComp Model.
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