
Eduardo Baltazar López Araya


One of the most important demands of the constituent process that is currently
underway in Chile, after the social revolt, is to achieve policies that promote the existence of
quality education as a guaranteed social right. This situation has allowed a very thoughtful
social dialogue on the part of students, teachers, parents and guardians regarding what should
be the characteristics of the Chilean educational system to consider it of quality. On the other
hand, in 2015, many countries, including Chile, adhered to the Incheon declaration, a
UNESCO roadmap, to comply with DS 4, which seeks that by 2030 Education achieve
conditions of inclusiveness, equity and quality. One edge of the research seeks to compare
the perceptions of students, teachers, parents and guardians in relation to educational quality
with the Incheon Declaration, evidencing coincidences and divergences. The methodology
used consists of focus groups to collect data from these educational actors and a documentary
study to compile the central principles of the Declaration.

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Educational quality, Perceptions of students, Teachers, Parents and guardians, Incheon Declaration

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Citation Format
How to Cite
López Araya, E. B. (2023). V.EDUCATIONAL QUALITY: A COMPARISON BETWEEN EDUCATIONAL ACTORS AND THE INCHEON DECLARATION. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 38. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.430
Artículos Científicos