
Cesar Augusto Silva Giraldo Leidy Yolima Ávila Ramírez Gloria Amparo Castro Salas Fanny Bernarda Patiño Becerra


This project aims to implement the playful teaching as a pedagogical strategy to strengthen the learning of children in the preschool of the San Laureano Psychopedagogical College; so that, based on it, knowledge is built in a fun way. For the execution of the activities the contributions of Zuñiga, Montessori and Piaget were taken into account; who recognize the importance of play and pedagogical strategies in the classroom for the development of the individual.
In the same way, the methodology used for the development of the project is determined as a descriptive type of investigation, since it allows to know the situations that are experienced in the educational institution, in the face of the absence of playfulness in the development of pedagogical activities; the approach is qualitative and the techniques used to collect the information were a semi-structured interview, which was applied to the preschool teachers of this institution.

Within the development of this research, the analysis carried out on the information collected in the applied interview is highlighted, which facilitated the definition of the strategy to be implemented, and, in the same way, the protocol to be carried out by teachers to the achievement of each of the specific objectives and recommendations to be taken into account by the institution.
It should be noted that in this same order of ideas it should be noted that preschool should be playful having objectives and goals that promote integral development such as Project methodology, where different dimensions are developed.

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Playful, Integral development, Pedagogical strategies, Game

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How to Cite
Silva Giraldo, C. A., Ávila Ramírez, L. Y. ., Castro Salas, G. A. ., & Patiño Becerra, F. B. (2020). IV. RECREATIONAL-PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGY FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN AT THE PRESCHOOL LEVEL OF THE SAN LAUREANO PSYCHO-PEDAGOGICAL SCHOOL. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 1(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v1i1.2
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