
Paula Camila Martín Oviedo - Tania Lizveth Orjuela Lara


The main objective is to analyze the available literature on the performance of nursing
professionals in humanized care and, as a result, to understand the patient's perception of the
treatment given in the outpatient service.
In the methodology, a systematized review of the literature will be carried out, in the
different databases available by Unisanitas and other external ones, in order to make a
comparison between the articles found and give an answer to the proposed research.
For the result it is expected to answer the research question by comparing and
analyzing the different articles, since nursing is based on the treatment and care that should
be humanized, as a basic need in the professional practice, therefore apply new policies,
protocols and processes on humanization and new research on the subject.
On the other hand, it is necessary to base the needs of the service in an educational
way in terms of care in a creative way, with emphasis on user satisfaction for the development
and progress in the humanized treatment and propose new strategies for user care to energize
the service.
As a conclusion of the project, it is expected to give an opinion on the articles, to see
the relationship with the research question vs. the proposed hypothesis and to propose a

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Humanization, Health care, Perception, Nursing staff, Outpatient consultation

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Martín Oviedo -, P. C., & Orjuela Lara, T. L. (2022). XXXIV. PERSPECTIVE OF HUMANIZATION IN THE EXTERNAL CONSULTATION SERVICE TOWARDS PATIENTS BY NURSING STAFF. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.389
Artículos Científico