
Pablo Esteban Arias Vargas


The armed conflict has been present in Colombia for more than 60 years, however,
there is no documented memory that characterizes its impact on the educational system of a
region of the country. The objective of the research was to analyze the relationship between
resilience, educational management and institutional improvement in the educational
community affected by the conflict.
For this purpose, a theoretical review was carried out with pre-established thematic
groups that were strengthened in the emergence of categories obtained through the
application of Grounded Theory, such categories were: "resilience" and "institutional
improvement". Additionally, statistical techniques were implemented to validate the
application of a resilience scale measurement instrument. The actors involved in the
educational community were teachers, parents and administrators who participated in the
educational efforts in the context and temporality of the occurrence of the phenomenon.
It is concluded that the armed conflict did not directly affect the educational
community. However, the community was affected by the violence, which caused a large
number of inhabitants to leave the region and subsequently led to the closure of some schools.
The relationship between educational management, educational improvement and resilience
of educational communities allowed a partial closing of gaps caused by the abandonment of
rural regions and the wounds caused by armed violence in the Colombian countryside.

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Resilience, Educational management, Institutional educational improvement

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Arias Vargas, P. E. (2022). XVIII. THE ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN THE RESILIENCE PROCESSES OF AN EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY AFFECTED BY THE ARMED CONFLICT IN A REGION OF COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.373
Artículos Científico