
Gloria Vera de Orozco - Vilma Benavides Méndez


The presentation presents progress of the research project entitled: Project Pedagogy: a
methodological approach to generate research culture in the Professional Practice of the
degree in Spanish and literature, which has been carried out to achieve quality in curricular
training. The general objective is to transform the pedagogical practices of university students
in the school contexts of basic and secondary education through research and reflection on
their own practice. A qualitative analysis of the metacognitive reflections of teachers in
training around epistemology, pedagogy, didactics and research is presented using an
interpretive paradigm, with an ethnographic approach. The teacher in training investigates
the problems of teaching and learning from action research, where he describes, systematizes
and reflects on the school reality, building pedagogical projects with the children, which he
systematizes and then sustains them in the university academic community. As results of the
research is the reconstruction of the university curriculum that recognizes Pedagogy by
projects as a methodology of change in the teaching of children and young people and as a
process that qualifies the training of university students, which problematizes their
pedagogical practices to contribute to the school new ways of teaching. It is concluded that
the training of the graduate must be mediated by the research processes in the classroom of
basic and secondary education institutions.

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practice, pedagogy, didactics, research, projects.

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How to Cite
Vera de Orozco -, G., & Benavides Méndez, V. (2020). CLXXXVI. THE INVESTIGATIVE PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE: A SCENARIO OF REFLECTION AND ACTION FROM THE PEDAGOGY BY PROJECT. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.353
Artículos Científico