
Tania Lizveth Orjuela Lara


This work recounts the concepts that currently frame patient schools, with the aim of
identifying the scope of these schools, their usefulness and understanding how the doctorpatient paradigm has been changing. It arises from a documentary review, which found that
the patient school is a concept raised by Stanford University in the 70s for the management
of chronic diseases. Currently, there are different models in various parts of the world for the
self-care of patients with defined pathologies, expert patients, caregiver programs and others,
their focus being the empowerment of patients with chronic diseases. In conclusion, teaching
patients is preventing them from having unexpected health events or falling into
unmanageable situations; Hence, this document recognizes its importance; so that they are
more participatory and develop their own skills where education and self-knowledge is part
of their actions towards their health as proposed by the WHO since 1986 with the Ottawa

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patient school, patient education, learning space, health empowerment, self-care

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How to Cite
Orjuela Lara, T. L. (2020). CLXXII. A SCHOOL FOR ADULT PATIENTS AS AN EDUCATIONAL STRATEGY FOR STRENGTHENING SELF-CARE . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.339
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