
Zully Mildred Casella Urbano


This project explores the construction of curricular designs in Colombian public institutions
of Elementary School and analyzes the pedagogical contribution of the curricular designs, to
project them as a pedagogical tool that promotes the quality-equity binomial, for the benefit
of students belonging to vulnerable strata of the non-certified Afro-descendant municipalities
of the Valley. The research was carried out by integrating the post-positivist paradigm, with
a holistic ethnographic approach, using a mixed modality, applying a type 4 case study
according to the classification of Yin (1994), as a research strategy, to 19 educational
institutions, In other words, it was a multiple and integrated study, since each case contains
several units of analysis. It is concluded that the pedagogical contribution of the curricular
design must be completely contextualized by relating the teleological framework, with the
design of learning goals, the criteria and evaluation instruments, recognizing the cultural
diversity, integrated into the classroom practices, as well as the real problems of Afrodescendant minorities, in a context of deprivation, to advance towards an education
conducive to overcoming poverty. Similarly, it was evidenced in the analysis of educational
policies for the elementary school level, framed in curricular guidelines, that for the most
part they do not contextualize the reality of the territories, nor do they provide strategies to
land the proposal in the classroom, which decreases the promotion of educational qualityequity.

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Curriculum, Politics of educations, Afro-descendant, Educational QualityEquity.

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How to Cite
Casella Urbano, Z. M. (2020). CLXX. CURRICULAR DESIGN AS A TOOL FOR QUALITY-EQUITY IN AFRODESCENDANT CONTEXTS . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.337
Artículos Científico