
Dermin Rogelio Sarmiento - Fabio Andrés Victoria Almario


This paper is part of a broader study at the doctoral level, which focuses attention on
configuring the practices used by teachers to mobilize the Critical Modeling Mathematical
Competence this communication aims to present a practice of design of mathematical tasks
that promote critical reading of the world. The theoretical basis of the research is the notion
of democratic mathematical competence and socio-critical mathematical modeling. Unlike
other models of mathematical competence, the notion of democratic mathematical
competence recognizes the social needs of students as political subjects. Which is why, she
fixes her gaze on opportunities for citizen participation, a fact that links it to critical literacy,
the recognition of the use of mathematics in society and social transformation.
Methodologically, the study is in a qualitative interpretive approach and in the cooperative
action research method associated with the case of a practicing mathematics teacher, within
the framework of a training process articulated to cycles of reflection on practice, shared
reading, authentic math task design and implementation. The discursive textual analysis
allowed identifying that the design practice focused on the investigation of risky social
practices offers the opportunity to read the world and promote the exercise of democratic

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Critical Literacy, mathematical competence, participation, mathematical modeling Critical

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How to Cite
Rogelio Sarmiento -, D., & Victoria Almario, F. A. (2020). CLXV. THE READING OF THE WORLD IN MODELING MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.332
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