
Diana Marcela Tolosa R.


This research analyzes the argumentative interactions and the types of expressed arguments
for two rural communities from Colombia and Guatemala, on sessions and a intercultural
meeting online. The objective was to describe how the interactions and the types of
arguments in virtual environment happened, because of recordings and video conferences.
The methodology is about qualitative character, with an ethnomethodological approach that
uses the systematized process observation, the method analysis of the speech and the
The participants (sharers) try to express in a short dialogue themselves, a Little structured,
they lack based arguments that support their affirmations (They ignore set of rules, national
events or international theories).
The access to Internet of these communities or corporations is under the correspondence with
the checked the statistical census, the covering for the rural area doesn’t overtake the
threshold of Latin and Caribbean United Nations and for that reason persist the “digital
illiterates” in the rurality.
The TIC amplifies the global vision and the alternation of ways of communication adoring
the digital breaches (gaps), opening interaction areas in real time, it promotes the
argumentation in the rurality. It permits the people the access the information source for
extending their knowledge and construct a fundamental position in from of daily aspects like
the children’s nursing, the couple relations, the control plagues, in the farming’s, among

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theory of the argumentation, types of the argumentation, interactions on the red

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Tolosa R., D. M. (2020). CLV. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE INTERACTION AND THE ARGUMENT TYPES ON THE INTERCULTURAL MEETINGS ONLINEBEETWEN COLOBIAN RURAL CULTURES AND GUATEMALA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.322
Artículos Científico