
Johnny Larrea


The present Educational Innovation strategy developed at the Antioquia Regional Health
Services Center, Medellín (Colombia) under the title "The meme as a training strategy in
higher education health programs in dialogue with new generations." The idea of this strategy
arises in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, which implied moving face-to-face training
to virtual settings in 2020 and which has generated changes in teaching techniques and
training strategies.
In this sense, training when changing the scenario generates the need to create techniques to
make the student feel motivated and to break down the paradigms that only from face-toface, it is possible to motivate or generate a taste for teaching-learning spaces, this
relationship teacher and Student proposes the use of the creation of memes from online
editors to strengthen knowledge on topics addressed in training sessions and in turn see how
this knowledge was strengthened and finally create spaces for reflection and self-evaluation.
It is therefore a practical and integrated solution to use the "meme" as a pedagogical and
didactic strategy in the virtual and face-to-face learning environment, as well as using the
technological tools that the web offers us to innovate in the search for teaching methodslearning, evaluation, and integration of knowledge through motivation.

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meme, education, digitization, educational strategies, memetic, replication

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Imgflip LLC (2020). Editor de memes online. https://bit.ly/3hwkugb
La Información (2019). Como son las 10 mejores páginas web para hacer memes.
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(2014). El meme en internet: Usos sociales, reinterpretación y significados, a partir
de Harlem Shake. Argumentos (México, D.F.), 27(75), 79-100. https://bit.ly/3hlcuys
R.A.E. (2020). Definición de la palabra meme. https://bit.ly/3eTSiCd
Tancara, C (2005). Los memes en la educación superior. https://bit.ly/2OEbjxA
UNESCO (2020). Vocabularios. https://bit.ly/39lmEw3.
Citation Format
How to Cite
Larrea, J. (2020). CXLIX. THE MEME AS A TRAINING STRATEGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN HEALTH IN DIALOGUE WITH THE NEW GENERATIONS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.316
Artículos Científico