
Adriana Galicia - Lorena Landa - Bertha Ivonne Sánchez


In the training of engineers, there is a disconnect between the practices of the professional
and school contexts, with an emphasis on learning basic sciences. This work presents results
of the staging of a didactic strategy (DE) that links the modeling practices of the biochemical
engineer (IBQ) in a water treatment plant and the modeling practices of IBQ students in the
class of diferential calculus. The work is in the theoretical framework of Socioepistemology
that considers the principles of the normative of social practice, that of contextualized
rationality, that of epistemological relativism and that of resignification (Cantoral, 2013).
The objective of the DE is for the student to model the quadratic from the turbidity
determination of water samples. Thus, developing the experimental, numerical, graphic, and
algebraic modeling. This work is qualitative and follows the methodological phases cited by
Galicia, Landa and Cabrera (2017) of what they call deconstruction of practices using the
model dipole as the unit of analysis (Arrieta and Díaz, 2014). Students manage to build the
numerical and graphic models in experimentation and the algebraic model with the help of
the Excel program. Contributing with this to the training the attributes of critical thinking and
problem-solving graduation from the subject of differential calculus and its transversal
relationship of the progressive reticular profile.

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modeling, science teaching, professional training

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How to Cite
Galicia -, A., Landa -, L., & Sánchez, B. I. (2020). CXLV. THE MODELING OF WATER TURBIDITY IN THE LEARNING PROGRESSION OF GRADING ATTRIBUTES IN ENGINEERING. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.312
Artículos Científico