
Nohora Corzo Gutiérrez


The present work analyzes the permanence and student desertion in the undergraduate
programs of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences- UNISANGIL- Sede San
Gil. The specific objectives were: Recognize the existence of periodic characterization
records of the students, who carry out academic programs, considering vulnerability
variables. 2. Determine student dropout, the factors that affect it and economic impact on
academic programs. 3. Identify strategies for permanence in quality conditions at the
institutional level and academic programs and their relationship with student dropout and
retention of according to the teaching methodology of the programs. The research
methodology was of a descriptive quantitative approach and of a transversal nature.
Some of the main results obtained are that 56% of the dropout students are women and 44%
men, 50% of the students drop out in the first semester and 38% drop out of their studies in
the 3rd semester, 64% of students do not continue with their studies due to financial
problems, 80% of dropout students belong to stratum 2, which is more difficult to continue
with University studies.

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higher education, retention, permanence, desertion.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Corzo Gutiérrez, N. (2020). CXLIV. PERMANENCE AND DESERTION IN THE UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC PROGRAMS OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES OF THE UNIVERSITY -UNISANGIL - SAN GIL 2016-1 TO 2019-1. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.311
Artículos Científico