
Atanacia Santacruz Espinoza


When putting in motion the order of ideas in a very particular topic, with the option of
personal stamp in the awakening of the discourse in the production of essays with an
intercultural approach, students have difficulties in weaving their ideas with coherence and
cohesion. Therefore, the present study aims to interpret the level of argumentative analysis
of essay production with an intercultural approach in students at the National Intercultural
University of the Amazon (UNIA). The research was descriptive, with a non-experimental
correlational design, with a quantitative, qualitative and mixed approach. The population
consisted of 47 students. The sample was census, that is, it was taken from the population,
from a non-probabilistic sampling. The survey technique was used, through a questionnaire
structured in 18 multiple response items: High, Medium, Low. The instrument was validated
by 5 experts and a reliability of 0.91 was obtained in Cronbach's Alpha. It is concluded that
the argumentative analysis of essay production with an intercultural approach in the students
of the National Intercultural University of the Amazon is at the low level with a tendency to
medium, in the construction of the thesis, formulate hypotheses, rank ideas and draw
conclusions, which is very weak the cognitive, emotional and procedural effort in the
construction of intercultural justice.

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essay production, argumentation, interculturality, introduction, development, conclusion

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How to Cite
Santacruz Espinoza, A. (2020). CXL. ARGUMENTATIVE ANALYSIS OF TRIAL PRODUCTION WITH AN INTERCULTURAL APPROACH IN THE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL INTERCULTURAL DE LA AMAZONIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.307
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