
Paola Andrea Pabón Rodríguez - Jose Alonso Caballero Márquez - Mauricio José Martínez Pérez - Ricardo Cristhian Morales Pelagio


Financial literacy (composed of knowledge, behavior, and financial attitude) is
considered a skill of great importance today, due to the important progress that the financial
system has had. This, supported by technological developments, generally goes at a faster
rate than their understanding by system users, which usually affects efficient decisionmaking on resources, compromising financial well-being, mainly in populations with a
higher degree of vulnerability. Among these populations, the young university students stand
out for their imminent entry into the financial system, their search for independence, and
their start in the labor field, among other aspects. Unfortunately, at present there is little
knowledge about their level of financial literacy so, the present research aims to determine
the level of financial literacy of the last year's students of the program of Technology in
Industrial Production of the Technological Units of Santander from a questionnaire type tool.
This tool is internationally valid by institutions such as the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), which is recognized worldwide for its efforts in
financial literacy and education. As a result, an adequate level of knowledge, behavior, and
financial attitude of university students was observed, thus allowing them to establish actions
to be carried out to enhance their financial well-being.

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Financial Literacy, Financial Education, Financial Knowledge, Financial Behavior, Financial Attitude

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pabón Rodríguez -, P. A., Caballero Márquez -, J. A., Martínez Pérez -, M. J., & Morales Pelagio, R. C. (2022). I. ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL LITERACY IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: CASE STUDY UNIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS DE SANTANDER IN COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.296
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