
Luis Manuel Cárdenas Cárdenas - Martha Luz Ortiz Padilla - Luis Carlos Cárdenas Ortiz


The Pedagogical Practices and classroom projects are conceived in the undergraduate
program in early childhood education at the Universidad del Atlántico as a space for
conceptualization and pedagogical self-reflection, research, and experimentation. In these
fields of action, pedagogical practices and research are redefined and come to establish the
need for classroom projects, giving way to the construction of new knowledge. It is from
pedagogical practices that classroom projects make sense. They are the nucleus where
concerns and needs converge from different actors and contexts. It is from pedagogical
practices where a tension arises between individual interests, the priorities of the institutions
and the problems of the context. It is in this action where reflection and taking distance, take
on a greater value and their impact is relevant, giving rise to the classroom project. It could
be stated that project work allows students an active participation in their own learning, this
methodological approach allows students to actively participate in the process and form
themselves as subjects who inquire, study, interact with the social-cultural environment, in a
different relationship with their teachers and classmates. The attitude towards research
processes creates a culture of commitment and responsibility towards one's own training and
students become the center of the educational process.

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pedagogical practices, project pedagogy, classroom projects.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Cárdenas Cárdenas -, L. M., Ortiz Padilla -, M. L., & Cárdenas Ortiz, L. C. (2020). CXIV. PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES AND CLASSROOM PROJECTS: METHODOLOGY FOR PEDAGOGICAL REFLECTION AND RESEARCH IN THE CHILDHOOD EDUCATION DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ATLÁNTICO . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.280
Artículos Científico