
José Adrián Romero Peña - Brissa Sánchez Domínguez - Esperanza Valentina López Portilla


At present, MSMEs do not have the infrastructure to acquire software that allows them to
have a competitive advantage over other larger companies that have greater economic
capacity. An important function of the Human Resources area is the evaluation of the
performance of each of its workers to verify in an effective way, if they comply with the
standard of minimum required activities that indicates if the employees are efficient, thus
allowing them to make better decisions at the Senior Management with respect to its
The objective of this research work is to apply the performance evaluation method offered
by the OrangeHrm software to evaluate a group of researchers who are members of a
Network of Academic Research Bodies belonging to different institutions, in order to verify
that they comply with their standards of research and teaching activities that have been set as
individual goals.
In the OrangeHrm software, the information of all the members of the Network of Academic
Research Bodies will be captured, the minimum competencies required to evaluate the
research and teaching activities that are expected to be carried out in a semester will be
specified, then the actual activities with your supporting document.
This work will make it possible to use the OrangeHrm software to evaluate different work
groups that have similar competencies among them and to know their final performance.

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administration, human resources, software, performance, MSMEs

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Romero Peña -, J. A., Sánchez Domínguez -, B., & López Portilla, E. V. (2020). CIV. EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MEMBERS OF A NETWORK OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH BODIES BY USING THE ORANGE-HRM SOFTWARE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.270
Artículos Científico