
Luzdari Hoyos Tapias


In front of the threat, the fear and the uncertainty that lives in the planet, wanted to that this
article could serve of posture to relieve of some form the tranquility in front of the latent
threat of the Coronavirus, odd illness that attacks respiratory tracts, resulting mortal for the
human being. Undoubtedly, the apparition of an invisible enemy, a virus that went expanding
in the world and that today us flagella to all.
But NO! Under this inhospitable gaze there is no answer, but to remain confined in every
way. It would also be expected that within the passages of this article, some alternative and
solution would be found minimally; the same that we would hope to have for the crisis of
Education in Colombia, showing the painful and sad reality that teachers and students face
today, it is just the beginning of a great manifestation of perplexities, for which, they face,
schools and the Public universities, the reality with its context that they face at present,
education has been undressed before the disastrous neglect of the leaders who have governed
for years, leaving behind the greatest legacy that can be given to a people Education.
Therefore, the objective of this article, rather than making a series of reflections on the
educational history of Colombia, is to be able to serve as a starting point to determine
intentions that allow identifying the key foundations for the construction of relevant public
policies in the effective process and transforming teaching-learning, which allow educational
progress and cut, the social distancing of "knowledge" in relation to science, research, and

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educational reality- educational public policies- teaching-learning in Colombiacoronavirus- educational crisis

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How to Cite
Hoyos Tapias, L. (2020). C. COVID 19 BARE THE REALITY OF COLOMBIAN EDUCATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.265
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