
Emilio Ariel Hernández Chang - Odalys de la Caridad Pérez Viera - Luis Alfredo Gómez Linares - Edinson Hurtado Ibarra - Clemencia Cristina Henao Orozco


This paper analyzes the Pedagogical Model of Technical and Professional Education in Cuba
and its conceptual-methodological system, with the intention of offering theoretical
contributions aimed at improving its educational practice and generating knowledge that
enrich pedagogical science and the professional training process. in coordination with the
company. That is why it synthesizes the main results of research projects and a methodology
that starts from a historical-logical study, theoretical systematization, and documentary
analysis, which gives the information a scientific and objective character. As the main result,
the Pedagogical Model is characterized and its theoretical assumptions and essential
foundations are exposed, preceded by the mission, purpose, principles, and general objective.
The role of the teacher is shown, in his main tasks and functions, pedagogical professional
activity and with production specialists and his link with the world of work. The curricular
conception and the process of learning and integral development of the student in educational
contexts are addressed in the process of technical-professional training, the management of
institutions and the methodological work as a way of overcoming. The education-company
articulation is the reference for the analysis of Technical and Professional Education and
assuming this idea is the starting point to build an educational space where education, work,
production, science, and technology are integrated.

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model, technical and vocational education, enterprise, training

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How to Cite
Hernández Chang -, E. A., Pérez Viera -, O. de la C., Gómez Linares -, L. A., Hurtado Ibarra -, E., & Henao Orozco, C. C. (2020). LXXVII. LATERALITY AND LOGICAL MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCE IN CHILDREN AGES 6 TO 10. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.241
Artículos Científico