
Miguel Olivares - Lesvia Cruz


The current work seeks to contribute to the educative universe from the field of research in
inclusive education. The aim is to analyze the precepts of inclusive education of the
professional practices of teachers at UNESCO Elementary School in Tuxtla Gutierrez,
Chiapas, both in the morning and afternoon shifts, during the school year 2018-2019. This
study case was made through the perspective of interpretivism, along with the hermeneutical
method and discourse analysis. The tools used were the survey and the non-participatory
observation; the sample was composed of 14 teachers from both the partaking schools. The
professional practices of the teachers were observed by making an analysis and a bonding
with their professional training. The teachers admitted not to be trained professionally to
generate inclusive practices, to lack of teaching strategies, that the teaching material they use
does not guarantee the inclusion of the student body, that inclusive learning environments
are not generated, that most activities are monotonous and that the evaluations are
standardized, which are a result of the use of digital lesson plans downloaded from the web.
In this research, it is possible to know about the precepts of inclusive education that the
teachers taking part in the study possess, discovering that there is a severe incoherence
between what is established in the official educative discourses and the realities found in the
teaching practices.

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education, inclusive education, teaching, pedagogical practice

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How to Cite
Olivares -, M., & Cruz, L. (2020). LXIII. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FROM THE TEACHING PERSPECTIVE. THE CASE OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN CHIAPAS, MEXICO. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.227
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