
Angie Daiana Clavijo Moreno - Juan Manuel Lara Gutiérrez


In Colombia, the high normal schools constitute institutions that form educators for the
preschool and basic primary levels. Since their appearance in 1821 and given its work in
training the personnel in charge of early childhood education, these institutions have
undergone major transformations, not only responding to the changing educational policies
but also to the multiple conceptions, configurations, and practices around childhood. In this
order, the formation of this age group for the 21st century has been a topic that has mobilized
and disturbed the Colombian educational system; especially if the challenges posed by the
emerging modernization project in the 21st century are considered. Consequently, continued
questionings about how to train the new generations of the country and how this training
should be in accordance with the demands, changes and needs of the national context have
been present approaches both in the faculties of education of the universities and in the High
Normal Schools. Therefore, the present work aims to reflect on the role played by Higher
Normal Schools in the training of teachers for childhood; addressing critical items such as
rural education, unequal access to Information and Communication Technologies; and the
constant tensions that arise with government entities, given the increase in bureaucratic
procedures that hinder their continuity and operation.

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teacher training, childhood, higher normal schools, education

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How to Cite
Clavijo Moreno -, A. D., & Lara Gutiérrez, J. M. (2020). LXI. THE ROLE OF HIGH NORMAL SCHOOLS IN THE FORMATION OF CHILDREN FOR THE 21st CENTURY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.225
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