
Amparo Jaimes Castañeda


This research exposes Education as a fundamental area for societal change. In this sense, it
shows the didactic implementation of the playful activity, assumed as the dynamic, creative
and free exercise, which goes beyond recreation, as an educational tool that promotes social
transformation, from pedagogical actions that include the wide universe of the school
contexts and the multiple social and cultural factors that intervene in them. The main
objective is to recognize recreational activity as a pedagogical strategy that strengthens
children's abilities to grow as persons, to commit themselves to the development of society
and to generate changes in their daily contexts, recognizing that the future of society is based
on children. It is carried out within the framework of action research applied to educational
processes in early childhood classrooms, as a qualitative study. This research exercise shows
that playful activity provides valuable theoretical and practical elements for transforming
society, enhances children's social skills and enables them to define strategies for action in
the face of different scenarios and/or problems in their reality, while at the same time
allowing them to expand their world, recognizing themselves as an active part of a
community, promoting the comprehensive development of children and energizing the role
of teachers in their training processes.

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playfulness, games, childhood, social transformation

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How to Cite
Jaimes Castañeda, A. (2020). XLVII. THE LUDIC ACTIVITY AS AN OPPORTUNE TOOL FOR SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.211
Artículos Científico