
Neicer Samuel Gomez Merchan


Current educational practice requires active methods that are geared towards the
empowerment of the learner's skills and competencies, whether individual or in a team. In
this sense, cooperative learning has characteristics related to the acquisition of knowledge
from the discussion and resolution of problems in a collective way, hence, the importance of
promoting the development of social and communication skills capable of integrating
effective feedback in students, responding to the need to form leaders in the classroom. The
present study aims to demonstrate the incidence of cooperative learning through didactic
workshops for the formation of leaders from the classroom; the methodology used responds
to the qualitative approach, supported by observation and comparative study based on
teaching experience around the subject of Language and Literature. The results show that the
team workshops linked to the teaching orientation from pertinent guidelines generate a
positive response in the students. In this aspect, defining roles and assigning responsibilities
to the student optimizes the process carried out in the workshops. In summary, student
training based on cooperative learning promotes positive aspects such as: respect,
responsibility, empathy, creativity, active participation, and companionship, so that students
develop skills to assume their role as leaders, and participation with new coordinators in the
study groups.

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cooperative learning, leader, training, education

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Gomez Merchan, N. S. (2020). XXXIX. COOPERATIVE LEARNING: AN OPPORTUNITY TO DEVELOP LEADERS FROM THE CLASSROOM . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.203
Artículos Científico